Samiran Sonowal

“The new album is a mission statement of what I want to sound like in the future…probably”

Ask me about a tiny little town called Jorhat and chances are that I’ll tell you how it influenced the birth of Rock n’ Roll in Assam and served as the hotbed for the revolution in the late 80’s and early 90’s.Needless to say, It’s this place and somehow this bludgeoning scene that has produced some of the most vital Independent music in recent years too. Exhibit A: Fifteen year old starry eyed bedroom producer Samiran Sonowal who manages to just touch the quality crease production-wise and manifests a 90’s era bounce musically averring a lip snaring alternative rock ferocity and unshakable pop-choruses mashed into a concoction of sizeable impact that’s captured faultlessly on his latest album ‘This is our story’.

“This is an album I made to explore my abilities and ideas as an artist.” says Sonowal. “This might not be what I sound like in the future- but I’m doing my best to work towards a sound that is mine. ‘This is life’ and ‘This is our story’ are hence both mission statements of what I want to sound like in the future…probably.”

Although he doesn’t come from a background of great musical diversity the teenager has had his fair share of adventures with playing in a Metalcore band and being a DR fan (Their music has no soul. Period.) “It was something I did to please my friends really” He laughs when we asked him about the shift from Metal to Alternative. “My friends were into the core-craze and I eventually had to give in. I was part of a band called Ceborgium  106- but as we progressed the complexities of the music grew and I eventually realized that this was not what I wanted to do. So, I quit the band and went solo- that way I didn’t have to worry about being anything but myself” he adds.

He might be young, but he has compelling stories to tell. Don’t write him off as just another ‘majnu’ because despite the underlying theme of his new album: an ‘eclectic’ (Yes, I get extra payment for the use of the word) assortment of emotions pour out of the lyrics and his voice throughout ‘This is our story’ and it’s easy to see why when you dig into the unfathomable lover-boy’s ever-so-increasingly eventful life. “I believe in moving on and I think that this is the spirit the drives our entire generation- which is why I wrote this story…our story.” With a message and a musical finesse that deploys endless amounts of genuine star quality- ‘This is our story’ isn’t 2012’s most groundbreaking new record but one that’s aimed at, as mentioned already, ‘sizeable impact’. It’s imperative that you take time out to listen to the album and embrace it because it somehow does not possess the charm needed to create an impactful first impression- but judging by his age and the way he presents himself we’re sure you won’t be left disappointed.


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